We are committed to the well-being of everyone in Nash County. We
value diversity, equality, unity, justice, prosperity and inclusion for
all people and a healthy environment in which to thrive. We will advance
democratic policies through identification of issues, education of
citizens, communication of timely information and collaboration with
partners dedicated to our values. We support progressive leaders and
candidates of integrity who represent our values and who speak and act
decisively on important matters. We are especially ready to join the
battle – up and down the ballot – for victory in the 2024 elections by
getting out the vote and ensuring every vote is counted accurately.
Please contact us:
Email us nashcountydemocraticparty@gmail.com
Call or text us 252.955.0036.
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nashcountydemocrats/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/nashco_dems?utm_medium=copy_link
Mailing Address is: P.O. Box 8393, Rocky Mount, NC 27804
Nash County Democratic Party headquarters
Suite 161 in the Station Square Complex at 301 S. Church Street, Rocky Mount, Nash County, North Carolina 27804,
Meet Your Officers
Dr. Cassandra Conover

Morris Roberson
1stVice Chair

Joshua Robinson

Amelia Sutton

Judy Mesko

Chair: Dr. Cassandra Conover
1st Vice Chair: Morris Roberson
2nd Vice Chair: Sydney Meeks
3rd Vice Chair: Gemma Curtiss
Secretary: Amelia Sutton
Treasurer: Judy Mesko