Nash County Democratic Women
Nash County Democratic Women prove over and over they are the back-bone of our party. They’ve always raised the funds, educated the public and gotten out the vote. Elected Officials know they won, in large part, because of these dedicated, talented and energetic women. The annual dues are only $20.00 so consider being part of The Force (men can join too). Meetings are the third Thursday of each month.
To find out more, email President Robin Latham:
Visit their website:
Follow them on Facebook:
Nash County Young Democrats
The future belongs to and depends on young people. We are thrilled that President Joy Speller has taken the lead – “Our actions will serve as a lamp to the paths of Young Democrats across the state, and our leadership will inspire others to walk with us.”
In order to support local businesses, Nash County Young Democrats meet on the 3rd Friday of each month at various eateries and adult beverage establishments to build their dreams and strategize on how to overcome the challenges. During COVID-19 join their monthly virtual meet-ups.
Follow them on Facebook:
Instagram @youngdemsofnashcounty